Acadia Minor

Acadia Minor

image Acadia Minor, often referred to simply as Acadia, is the last of the satellite planets. The "Minor" segment of its name comes from an early point in its history, when the orbit system first came into being. Known then as Acadia Major, it was an absolute giant - the largest planet in Chrysalian, almost three times the size of Terra Firma. While journeying through the outer regions of its eccentric orbit path, Acadia collided with the Delta Chain, a massive nuclear storm, and was burned more than halfway to the core, resulting in a much smaller version of the planet once the smoke had cleared, and a thick layer of colorful gases surrounding it.

From afar, the planet appears to be a large pastel colored Jovian with one set of swirling electric blue rings. From the surface, the sky is a bright painting of explosive color, with pink, yellow, blue, green and purple hues, and thick clouds and gases covering every inch of the overhead view.

image The landscape has an exceptionally grand and enchanted feel to it. The planet is full of forests, mountains, hills, fields, lakes, caves, islands, beaches, waterfalls and flatlands, all of which have a beautifully surreal atmosphere, a side effect of the gases left over from the nuclear storm.

Acadian homes tend to be grouped in much larger towns or cities than on the other worlds, and are also much more grandiose in style. Communities are generally composed of enormous, fancy houses, palaces or interconnecting estates made from glass, crystal or polished stone. The majority of these ostentatious abodes are located on the tops of high mountains or built into the sides of massive sea cliffs, although there are plenty of smaller towns and villages throughout the rest of the countryside as well. Some domestic regions remain simple, as on the other Xilon planets, but they are rare by comparison. The inhabitants tend to be veterans of universal travel, who have returned from unimaginable lengths of time out amongst the stars and can't seem to adjust back to the simpler lifestyles of their other homeworlds.

image The local wildlife is also a bit different, including a large range of darker, more dragon-esque hybrids. This makes the planet the most highly favored hunting ground for Xilon everywhere, many of whom choose the Braekn Woods as their primary source of meat and crystal nectar, which can be found in a number of floral species that are most heavily concentrated in the Acadian forests.

For its enormous size, the planet has relatively few learning centers or personal trades and is almost entirely residential. It is, however, a major location for the older Xilon to congregate, socialize and share their experiences of life abroad. Located in one of the more remote northern mountain ranges is Tracor Mountain, a huge medieval-style city with the highest concentrated population of any community in the orbit system, infamous for its wild parties.

The planet is also home to the revered Council of Elders, who guard the Book of Xilon, as well as the famous Raxxus Learning Center for warriors and hunters, Arcaeden Library, and the official home base of the Universal Watchmen, a massive organization of Xilon Watchers and Guardians who keep the universe on its intended path. Geminius  >>

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