

image Daxxus is an astronomical anomaly that, like the other bodies of the Xilon System, is caught in an unconventional orbit around Terra Firma. It is the most unique element of the group. Although often referred to as a black hole, that is not really an accurate description. It is not a collapsed star, but a natural hole in space and time, with the universe slowly draining into it like a celestial leak over countless years. The Xilon can move in and out of black holes with ease, but will rarely venture near the borders of the rift unless they are thrill-seekers, and even then they remain extremely cautious.

image The general belief is that within Daxxus lies the opposite of existence...not just a general absence like the empty space between dimensions (which, in and of itself, is unsettling enough for most), but an absolute power of anti-creation that nothing can ever escape. Upon passing the threshold, it is believed that all things simply cease to be. Known as the Final Sanctuary, Daxxus from afar appears to be a thick whirlpool of colorful clouds, beautiful to view from a safe distance. It does not affect the celestial bodies of the Xilon system, or much of Chrysalian at all for that matter, although no one has ever understood why. Over the course of 400 trillion years, from the beginning of time to the very end, Daxxus slowly draws in the rest of the universe, and ultimately all stars, clouds - every speck of matter in all of creation - will be swallowed up by the abyss along with the central Xilon worlds at the End of Days, when time itself comes to an end. Zeta Five  >>

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