Zeta Five

Zeta Five

image Zeta Five is the local sun of the Xilon System and its light is so strong that it reaches every corner of the planets' erratic orbit paths without seeming to dim.

Although an extremely powerful source of light and radioactive energy, the sun does not emit a typical gravitational pull for a star of its size. Like the other six satellites, Zeta Five is caught in an unusual rotation around Terra Firma, coming into close contact with the other elements of the system, often providing a spectacular overhead view for certain worlds.

Notably, the sun has the least eccentric orbit path of any of the bodies in the system, keeping to a tight, near-circular pattern around the central planet. It is a most unusual star in more ways than one. In addition to its low gravitational field, its physical appearance is fascinating as well. The fireball burns a deep, rich yellow-orange, with wispy tendrils snaking out all around it, giving the core a colorful halo effect. This is merely a reaction to traces of a laurelian isotope that is present throughout the core, but children, as well as visitors from beyond the system, tend to find it extremely captivating. Alarahn Galaxy  >>

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